Mobilizer Session

Bringing Evaluation Back to the Core of Your Work

September 21, 2022
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH the Network for the Advancement of Black Communities

Bringing Evaluation Back to the Core of Your Work

hosted by Yonatan Ghebray

What does evaluation mean to your work? When framed narrowly, questions around impact, accountability, measurement and evidence can feel abstract and disconnected to the actual work that we do, and what is needed on the ground. How can evaluation provide an opportunity for organizations and communities to learn and advance in their mission? What types of knowledge and data can help us change our relationship with our funders?

In this session, we take this opportunity to reflect on how evaluation can help advance the work of organizations and communities while contributing to changing power dynamics. This will be an opportunity for your organization to question established patterns and processes, to see work in a new light, to take credit for accomplishments, and to ask brave questions.

Watch the session in English!

Watch the session in French!

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch this, and all other mobilizer sessions.

Canada’s Placemaking Community builds capacity for national placemakers by sharing impactful stories, convening in-person and virtual events, and commissioning research. By fostering collective action, we aim to drive better public outcomes and create vibrant, equitable public spaces for all. Discover more projects in our community of practice and learn more about the benefits of community-led placemaking in the Power of Placemaking Research Report, developed in partnership with Happy Cities.