On the 3rd of November 2022, HCI is hosting a peer-learning session to collectively reflect on the role of evaluation and how evaluation can be connected to the organization needs and the work that is happening on the ground. This participatory space will be hosted by Yonatan Ghebray from NABC.
The gathering builds on to the Mobilizer Session ‘Bringing evaluation back to the core’, and will provide an opportunity to continue exploring with a reduced group of peers some of the key ideas, processes and concepts shared on the webinar. It will be an opportunity for projects to build on each others’ experiences and to offer mutual support. Furthermore, the group of peers will meet again after a couple of weeks with the purpose of continuing to build the relationship with the group. The specific topics of discussion will be defined based on the specific needs of the group of participants involved, some of the potential topics to reflect on are:
There are only 8 spots available, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible for the session.
Click here to register for this peer learning session– Filling the registration form will take 5-7 minutes
We are excited to share this collective learning opportunity with all of you. If you have any questions, send us an email at healthycommunities@canurb.org!