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Making Connections: Planning Parks and Open Space in Urban Neighbourhoods

This report by Park People proposes strategies for creating a network of parks and open spaces that can connect our parks, ravines, hydro and rail corridors, streets, laneways, schoolyards, and other public spaces.


My City Too Guide: an initiative by 8 80 Cities and EcoKids to develop a strategy to advance outdoor free play and independent mobility

An 8 80 Cities Guide to advancing outdoor free play and independent mobility as cornerstones of a more child friendly Toronto.


Strengthening Community Connections: The Future of Public Health is at the Neighbourhood Scale

This resource identifies key actions for public health to strengthen community capacity and influence to inform a bold vision for a renewed public health system in Canada.


Participatory City Illustrated Guide

This Illustrated Guide is an introduction to how Participatory City is intended to work, as well as describing it’s potential to impact on many serious interconnected social problems.


ICLEI Canada: Advancing Adaptation Case Studies

The Advancing Adaptation Project aimed to increase climate change resilience in Ontario municipalities by supporting adaptation planning, building local adaptation capacity, and supporting the implementation of adaptation initiatives in the Great Lakes watershed. 11 case studies were developed to showcase the process, experience, and learnings from each implementation action.


Inhibited Growth: Examining Public Investment Gaps in Black Infrastructure Needs

This report identifies the need for community-led social infrastructure geared to Toronto’s diverse Black communities. It highlights both the growing importance of community-led social infrastructure as recognized by academia and public policy, and the undeniable gaps for Toronto’s Black communities to access and lead these spaces.