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ICLEI Canada: Advancing Adaptation Case Studies

The Advancing Adaptation Project aimed to increase climate change resilience in Ontario municipalities by supporting adaptation planning, building local adaptation capacity, and supporting the implementation of adaptation initiatives in the Great Lakes watershed. 11 case studies were developed to showcase the process, experience, and learnings from each implementation action.


Inhibited Growth: Examining Public Investment Gaps in Black Infrastructure Needs

This report identifies the need for community-led social infrastructure geared to Toronto’s diverse Black communities. It highlights both the growing importance of community-led social infrastructure as recognized by academia and public policy, and the undeniable gaps for Toronto’s Black communities to access and lead these spaces.


Livable Cities Forum 2022 Highlights Report

At last year’s Livable Cities Forum, over 300 delegates discussed synergies between social vulnerabilities, climate resilience, and net-zero goals through an equity lens. Read key messages from the gathering!


Building the Cybersecurity and Resilience of Canada’s Nonprofit Sector

This report outlines the cybersecurity risks and challenges facing Canadian nonprofits, the impact, and available solutions and their sufficiency. It reflects the insights shared at the working group convened on May 5, 2022 by the Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience.


Highlights and Challenges in Building Inclusive Local Economies

This series of stories from the Metcalf Foundation, in partnership with Metcalf grantee and award-winning outlet The Local, explores the Inclusive Local Economies program and its focus on making precarious jobs better, supporting the upward mobility of workers, reducing barriers for low-income entrepreneurs and alternative business models, and leveraging the capacity of neighbourhoods to improve the economic livelihoods of low-income residents.


Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative

Over the course of three meetings, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (the committee) conducted a study on the SBCCI. This report outlines the findings of the committee’s study.