Femme Folks Fest

Waterloo Region Ontario, Canada

It’s our biggest FEMME FOLKS FEST yet! Our 4th Annual Fest offers 39 events over 13 days, all live and in-person at 8 venues throughout Waterloo Region. For 2023 we […]

Apprentissage mutuel – De meilleures options de mobilité

Zoom (Registration Required)

Une séance d'inter-apprentissage sera organisée le 22 mars 2023. Elle vous permettra de partager vos expériences et d’échanger sur les défis rencontrés et les bons coups réalisés dans le cadre […]

56th Annual Congress on Endocrinology & Disorders

City of Vancouver (Multiple locations) Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Welcome to ENDOCRINE-2023! On behalf of the ENDOCRINE-2023 Organizing Committee, we take great pleasure in inviting all participants from around the world to attend the “56th Annual Congress on Endocrinology […]

Brave Conversations with Fearless Women in Philanthropy (CFC)


Are inspirational people fearless, or are they brave enough to move forward alongside their fears? This International Women’s Day, Community Foundations of Canada is thrilled to share a conversation with […]
