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Making Connections: Planning Parks and Open Space in Urban Neighbourhoods

This report by Park People proposes strategies for creating a network of parks and open spaces that can connect our parks, ravines, hydro and rail corridors, streets, laneways, schoolyards, and other public spaces.


Considering Sea Level Rise and Cultural Heritage: A Resource for Municipalities

This resource from ICLEI assists municipal planners in better understanding cultural heritage and the various approaches and adaptive actions that can be taken to begin sea level rise management, or continue these efforts.


Talking It Through: A Discussion Guide for Local Government Staff on Climate Adaptation

This Discussion Guide from ICLEI assists local government staff in facilitating conversations with senior decision makers and elected officials about the implications of climate change in their local contexts


Small and Rural Communities Climate Action Guidebook

The Small and Rural Communities Climate Action Guidebook, developed by ICLEI Canada and the Federation of Canada Municipalities (FCM) for the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, is a direct response to the climate planning challenges faced by small and rural communities.


Creating Parks and Public Spaces for People of All Ages: A Step-by-Step Guide

This collaborative resource highlights the importance of parks — and gives community leaders tools they can use to both create and improve green spaces and public places for people of all ages.


Participatory Canada

Participatory Canada invites residents and neighbourhoods to create practical everyday projects that build on local assets, meet local needs, and find common solutions to some of the most pressing, universal issues facing our generation.