11th International Public Markets Conference Report
The 11th edition of the International Public Markets Conference took place in Toronto, June 8-10, 2023. Read highlights from this year's events in the Conference Report!
The 11th edition of the International Public Markets Conference took place in Toronto, June 8-10, 2023. Read highlights from this year's events in the Conference Report!
Park People's library of programming ideas to activate parks and public spaces. Explore the page for a wide range of inspirations.
En dehors des grands centres, alors qu’une menace de la dévitalisation plane sur certaines municipalités, d’autres grandissent et gagnent en habitants ou en activités. Les transformations qu’on observe sur le territoire ne contribuent pas toujours au maintien du caractère spécifique des milieux. Vivre en Ville propose ainsi un guide pour outiller les petites et moyennes collectivités sujettes à ces transformations.
This toolkit from Park People highlights new urban parks and open spaces in the Greater Golden Horseshoe that showcase creative ideas for planning, designing, programming, and engaging community in public spaces in intensifying neighbourhoods.
This report by Park People proposes strategies for creating a network of parks and open spaces that can connect our parks, ravines, hydro and rail corridors, streets, laneways, schoolyards, and other public spaces.